Wednesday, 10 November 2010


I hope you're beginning to become familiar with this blog! So far I have had really positive feedback, your thoughts are greatly appreciated and help to shape the direction this continues to take. Anyway onto year 6's next video installment...!

After some talented acting, and a little editing, the video below replaces our normal newsletter.  Sit back and enjoy!


Any further questions or queries, don't hesitate to contact myself either via this blog, or the school office.  I have altered the way in which comments are posted on the all comments will be automatically emailed to myself for moderation before being posted on the blog (in an attempt to monitor content), so please be patient if your comment doesn't appear on the blog immediately.

(On a side note... Christmas is rapidly approaching, and during the last week of November I love putting decorations up in the classroom with the class.  If you have any spare decorations (or lights) lying around at home, please send them in over the next few weeks. Thank you in advance!)


  1. I love the video - looks like you're all learning lots of good stuff!

  2. Definitely more interesting than reading the newsletter. The children are stars and deserve Oscars! The Neighbours clip almost made me tearful, but not quite, but it's inclusion understood and appreciated all the same. I'm so glad I looked at the homework pages, I didn't realise she had so much to do. (she's not very good at telling me) Thank-you Mr B for your time and effort creating this blog.
