Thursday, 24 February 2011

Sneak Peak

Heres a few photos from this time last week to whet (it is correct spelling!) your appetite... video is coming soon. I don't have a release date yet... |

This time next week it is Numeracy time!

Mr B

Monday, 21 February 2011

As promised ... new fish!

Hope you're all enjoying the break, it was lovely to lie in until 10am this morning!

Think of some names for your colour group fish - these are foundation plaice (a type of fish, and also your foundation seating positions!)  Remember to keep feeding them, especially your colour group, so none die over half term!

REVISION - keep the revision comments coming in on the SATS page, I have added a couple of new links today to keep you going (they are now posted on the sidebar.)

Shakespeare video still in progress sorry!

Mr B

Friday, 18 February 2011

It'll be alright on the night....

And it was!

What an evening year 6 had.  You did yourselves proud, well done.

I am in the process of editing a DVD that will be available for £5/copy, a short trailer of which will appear over half term on this blog.  If you wish to have one or more copies please let the office know.  In the meantime, here are a few photos and comments from year 6 parents after viewing the show:

"What a fantastic show!! Year 6 should be very proud.  Teachers must have worked hard and it showed."
"Absolutely fantastic, could not have asked for better."
"Thought the show was fantastic, really enjoyed it and the whole class should be proud."
"Congratulations, I never knew Shakespeare could be so much fun.  A great modern version of Romeo and Juliet, which the children were obviously very enthusiastic performing.  The class did very well considering they only had 3 days to practice."
"Kids did a great job especially in the short time.  It would of been even greater if they used more words, especially Romeo and Juliet."
"It was really funny and good."
"Well done Year 6! Excellent Performance!"

I couldn't have said it better myself. Have a fab half term, chat to each other and let each other know what you're upto, and see you on Tuesday 1st March (staff INSET on the Monday) for booster week 5! (remember little and often with revising over half term)

Mr. B

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Day 2 of rehersals

It's been a long day, the children have worked really hard, and the performance is beginning to take shape - well done to all of you.  Just a few reminders..

Black clothes tomorrow
A FEW small props to help with characterisation
Learn your Shakespeare lines

Thank you!  Now onto the video from today's practice... Thank you for all your positive comments from yesterdays clip, keep advice and comments coming in, music is chosen by you and various other suggestions.

Day 2 - putting it all together

By the way Ayokunmi - a helpful hint for not getting anxious about your performance is..."Enjoy it, we're all in it together, and just try your best"

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Rehearsals under-way

It's finally here..! Rehearsals started today, and year 6... "You did me proud!"  Your enthusiasm and engagement in the drama was fantastic.  The class of 2011 are clearly a talented acting class, full of great personality.  Below is a brief resume of the first day of practice... just a small word of advice, watch the 'fake' fighting practice tonight, don't be too enthusiastic!

DAY 1 - the beginning

See you tomorrow!

Mr B

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Gnomeo, Gnomeo, where fore art thou...?

Yes you guessed it, to tie in with the release of 'Gnomeo and Juliet', year 6 are learning the lines to Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'.  Why not get some extra practice in and be extra prepared next week, go to the cinema and watch the new release and compare difference or similarities between the two.  Either way ensure you have a brief overview of the plot before Anthony comes in next week to start rehearsals!

To get you in the mood watch some of these classic moments with a modern twist...




Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Important Updates

I thought it was about time to provide you with a few vital updates to keep you informed of the 'life and times of Year 6'

Trial Assessment Week 
It is trail assessment week next week, so please help you child to be best prepared next week by attending every day, having a healthy breakfast and a reasonable bed time!  It is not a stressful week, but should be a chance to celebrate all of the good things your child has been learning over the past few weeks.

Shakespeare Week
The week after trail assessment week is Shakespeare Week! It is a fantastic time to demonstrate year 6's acting ability.  Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances the performance has been moved to Thursday evening 6-7.30pm.  I do hope you are able to attend, as it is always a highlight of the year 6 final year.

See if you can guess as to which famous Shakespeare's plays we are attempting this year.  It links to an important date during our Shakespeare week.  To help you be best prepared try to do a little research before the week in order to understand the plot better.

I do hope you all have a relaxing and fun-filled half term, and I look forward to completing our revision programme next half term!

Jon Bishop