Thursday, 24 February 2011

Sneak Peak

Heres a few photos from this time last week to whet (it is correct spelling!) your appetite... video is coming soon. I don't have a release date yet... |

This time next week it is Numeracy time!

Mr B


  1. Hi everyone how are you all doing? Having a good half term? Been bowling today with my cousins and won lots of sweets! Oh and Mr Bishop what do you mean it is maths time this time next week? Going Tommys lazer tag party tommorw can't wait see you all on Monday and I hope Ayokunmi had e great birthday! By the way the pictures are great! BYE EMILY.Jxxx ;)(:

  2. Hi everbody the pictures look so cool i wish we couldc perform the show again.

  3. hi everybody!!!! i agree the pics are super.
    hope you had a great birthday ayokunmi. have a great party tommorow tommy:)
    see you all on tuesday......
    OH NO!!! one of our fish are dying!!! (AGAIN)

  4. Jimara is it because you are in one and they always die so dont worry unless it is green

  5. I always feed the fish, why are they dying.

  6. OMG Tommy's party was FANTASTIC!!
    Got to go going cenima! BYE EMILY.Jxxx :)

  7. hi year 6 JOSH ALLEN hear hope you all had a great half tearm and i hope ayokunmi and tommy had a great birthday
    P.S thanks for the new fish mr b

    josh allen :) x

  8. hi everyonehope your half terms were fun,
    i know mine was!!! see you all tommorow
    P.S. the fish are healthy HURRAY!!!!!!!

  9. Hi everyone hope you all had a wonderful half term enjoy your last day see you all tommorow!
    Today I went to tropical wings with Callum we got to feed the wallaybees and we saw the meerkats they where so cute!
    Emily.J xxx
    I wonder if Emily.E had a nice holiday?

  10. I can't wait till world book day.
