Monday, 21 February 2011

As promised ... new fish!

Hope you're all enjoying the break, it was lovely to lie in until 10am this morning!

Think of some names for your colour group fish - these are foundation plaice (a type of fish, and also your foundation seating positions!)  Remember to keep feeding them, especially your colour group, so none die over half term!

REVISION - keep the revision comments coming in on the SATS page, I have added a couple of new links today to keep you going (they are now posted on the sidebar.)

Shakespeare video still in progress sorry!

Mr B


  1. Thanks for changing the fish MR.B

  2. wow they look so good but white looks so much cooler

    and hope everyone is having a brilliant half term

    bye georgie

  3. Hope everyone is having a nice half term. I am going to cosmos with some friends as well as that i am going to laser tag for tommys party!

  4. georgie's right the white fish look FANTASTIC!!!!
    hope you're all having a super half term- i know i am:)

  5. Thanks Mr. B the fish look fantastic. The whites are REALLY COOL! Hope everyone's having a really cool half term, i'm still stuck trying to do my tutor homework!!!! :)

  6. It is my birthday today. I am finally 11 years old! Hope everyone is havingf a nice half term!


  7. WOW WEE! Happy Birthday AYOKUNMI... now you're nearly as old as me!! Enjoy your day.

    A very relaxed Mr B

  8. +*+*HAPPY BIRTHDAY!+*+* Ayokunmi hope you are having a great day see you on sunday at cosmos! :)

  9. +*+*HAPPY BIRTHDAY!+*+* the fish look great mr B the white looks the best of course enjoy your half term!

  10. Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. It's nearly Emily J birthday and tommys. I am also going to watch lion king in theather!

  11. Cool fish! Whoevers birthday it is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
